Germany, Freiburg , ill quartiere di Rieselfeld. iniziato nel 1994 è concepito per accogliere 10.000 abitanti in abitazioni a basso impatto energetico e abitazioni passive. il Ginnasio e la scuola materna. ......Germany, Freiburg.The district of Rieselfeld is situated in the..West of Freiburg and is providing 4200..residential units for about 10,000 to 12,000..inhabitants...The construction of the district of Rieselfeld..started in 2004 is planned to be 2010...The political guidelines for the town planning concept have..been in effect since 1994...Traffic systems that give priority to public transport and..foot- and bicycle traffic...Orientation towards ecological objectives: standard..High quality of private and public green spaces and of..leisure centres...priority for public transport, pedestrians and cyclists; easy access to the..public transport for all residents; a general speed limit of 30 km/h; several "play..streets" in which playing kids have priority; right-before-left rule of priority for speed..reduction.
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